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Max LAwton

Writer / Translator

Max Lawton is a translator, writer, and musician. Born in Brussels, Belgium, he received his BA in Russian Literature and Culture from Columbia University and his MPhil from Queen's College, Oxford, where his dissertation comparing Céline and Dostoevsky is being published by the O.R.E. Max has translated seven books by Vladimir Sorokin for upcoming publication (TBA): Blue Lard, The Norm, Their Four Hearts, The Sugar Kremlin, Telluria, Dispatches from the District Committee, and Red Pyramid. Max has written two novels and recently worked on a screenplay that’s being made into a feature film in Russia. Max’s band White Nothing has released a tape, Rhine Maidens and Cut Glass, on London label Pressured Speech Productions. He is currently writing his doctoral dissertation on phenomenology and the 20th Century novel at Columbia University, where he also teaches Russian.